Final Exam study cards Flashcards |
Epidemiology of systemic vasculitis - PubMed Find the stream function for this flow. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, -Epidemic- classified as attacking many p, -Pandemic- refers to an epidemic on a wor, Identify at least three major historical d, figures and their contributions to the fiel, Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among both males and females in the United States. Antigenicity of an infectious agent is measured by the secondary attack rate. tuberculosis. In community A, 200 susceptible people were exposed to an index case, 150 people were infected (not including the index case), 75 people became ill, and 40 people died. lack of participation in risk reduction programs. Environmental and occupational health problems are a specialization of epidemiology. C. Similar to the incidence rate of a disease of short duration. An outbreak of salmonellosis occurred after an epidemiology department luncheon, which was attended by 485 faculty and staff. The reservoir for Q fever is infected livestock, e.g., cattle, sheep, or goats. seasonal variations in cases of influenza. True or False? fatality rate of approximately 2%. To compare the False. In the 2010 Census, respondents were given the option of selecting more than Different races have different rates of disease and risk factors. frequency of hypertension in the white and nonwhite populations surveyed, the Explain in details. D. both A and B A. seasonal variations in cases of influenza . True or False? One of the charges, (q1=+8.5C)isatx1=+3.0cm\left( q _ { 1 } = + 8.5 \mu \mathrm { C } \right) \text { is at } x _ { 1 } = + 3.0 \mathrm { cm } Doll and Peto demonstrated that the mortality ratios for lung cancer were similar among those who smoked 1-14 and those who smoked 15-24 cigarettes per day. The Henle-Koch postulates were instrumental in efforts to prove the causative involvement of a microorganism in an infectious disease. A double-blind study of vaccine is one in which. What are the health effects studied in relation to stress? A cross-sectional study allows the demonstration of a time sequence between exposure and disease. Epi data are AT BEST approximations of what is occurring in the "real world". own sections in our text, I think that their works should not go unnoticed. A secondary attack rate is used to show the spread of disease in a household. -suggest common exposure of a group of people to an etiologic agent. The epidemiologic and clinical descriptions of a disease are different., True or False? Age-specific diseases Match the following. -Presence of environmental carcinogens. In the Yearly Mortality Bill for 1632, consumption referred to: Which of the following activities characterizes a clinical approach (as opposed to a epidermiologic approach)? Reduce error that results from the way in which the outcome is assessed 2. According to the natural history of disease model, the time before the precursors of disease and the host interact is called the period of: How were most Ebola cases from the Kikwit outbreak transmitted? True or False? Examination of population health 2. True or False? A. to explain the etiology of a disease Choose the best response: Which virus was most virulent? In other words, there may be reasons that data do not fully reflect the nature of disease or risk factors. As an epidemiologist you are going to investigate the effect of a drug suspected of causing malformations in newborn infants when the drug in question is taken by pregnant women during the course of their pregnancies. -the interviewer doesn't ask the questions that he or she is instructed to ask, or asks them incorrectly. This is a use primarily for prevalence data. Large international variations in rates of infectious and communicable diseases as well as other conditions are most likely explained by: The use of GIS may be thought of as following the heritage of: Cyclic variations in the occurrence of disease may reflect: Marital status is an important descriptive epidemiologic variable because it is: The descriptive epidemiologic variable AGE is related to: Reasons for gender differences in mortality may include: True or False? The death rate per 100,000 for lung cancer is 7 among non-smokers and 71 among smokers. The incidence of many biologic phenomena displays a reproducible and cyclic variation. Indicate by choosing the appropriate option whether the use is for incidence or prevalence data: This is a use primarily for incidence data. The cause of death on a death certificate may be incorrect because: Before utilizing data for an epidemiologic study, the researcher must first consider, The nature of the data A group of physicians review 15 cases of disease never seen before all with similar symptoms and treatments. This formula shows that the prevalence of a disease is Host factors in the causation of disease include: True or False? The RR for incidence of measles was 0.75 and the RR for measles mortality was 0.5. This finding refers to: True or False? Eighteenth. be affected by certain health conditions due to aging. The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey is a continuing probability survey of physicians who practice in public settings such as V.A. The difference between primary and secondary prevention of disease is: primary prevention means control of causal factors, while secondary prevention means early detection and treatment of disease. of hypotheses. Which of the following does not describe the Gini index? Calculation of the standardized mortality ratio is an example of the direct method Cross), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Give Me Liberty! measure of the overall disease burden in a population, and it is influenced by both the 1. unnecessarily subjecting people to a potential risk associated with diagnostic procedures. The most likely explanation is that: the duration of the disease is greater in women. radiation, would be outside the scope of epidemiology. Which of the following best explains this difference between the positive predictive values? Cyclical patterns of this type may be generated by delayed feedbacks operating internally within a system, or by external drivers. The ill individuals developed moderate to severe diarrhea 16 to 46 hours after the picnic. Community A receives its water from several sources. The prevalence of virus X infections is higher among the hospital patients than among blood donors, The adverse consequences of using a screening test that has a low specificity include: i. unnecessarily subjecting people to potential risks associated with diagnostic procedures ii. The health officer says, 'If people catch the Pox, they suddenly get the urge to dance in the sand and fall dead on the beach within the hour.' Understanding the relationship between prevalence and this essay, I will describe the relationship between prevalence and incidence, including The cause-specific mortality rate from roller-skating was: An epidemiologic survey of roller-skating injuries in Metroville, a city with a Cyclic variations in the occurrence of pneumonia and influenza mortality may
Cyclic variations in the occurrence of disease may reflect Cyclic variations in the incidence rate of influenza may reflect: Seasonal variations in new cases of fluenza. The time from diagnosis to probable death from the Ebola virus that occurred in Kikwit was? How can they improve the sensitivity of the test? -Epidemic- classified as attacking many people at the same time. True or False? Define the terms "endemic", "epidemic", and "pandemic". Convert the input value to an int and store it in an int variable named age. common source epidemic" and "point epidemic", Common source epidemic- an outbreak due to the exposure of a group of people to a Convey your understanding of the difference between figures and their contributions to the field of epidemiology. The ill individuals developed moderate to severe diarrhea 16 to 46 hours after the picnic. In a cross sectional study, which of the Hill criteria can you not confirm? [N.B. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among both males and Describe what is known about COVID-19 epidemiology. formula, known as the prevalence-incidence relationship. Indirect when if if age-specific rates of the population for standardization are the same as those reported in. - Immunization against rubella - Primary prevention active. B. True or False? For each characteristic, explain how it is associated with the distribution of health Subsequent laboratory tests on everyone who attended the luncheon revealed an additional 72 cases. True or False? long-term changes in mortality trends. This factor X could have confounded your interpretation of the data if it, Is a factor associated with physical activity and heart disease. Three hundred people are screened at a clinic during the first year the new test is implemented. What level of prevention is represented by nutritional counseling for pregnant When applied in a group of hospitalized patients diagnosed as having virus X infections, the test is found to have a positive predictive value of 85%. Koch published Die Aetiologie der Tuberkulose in 1882, a breakthrough to lead to improved classification of disease by specific causal organisms. Total number of deaths from roller-skating: 90 Subjects for an exposure-based cohort study would be selected most appropriately from, Certain occupational groups such as battery workers, True or False: In community intervention studies, it is important for the investigator to evaluate whether a program has achieved its intended results before assuming the benefits of the intervention. rates. Choose the best response: Which virus was most pathogenic? The Gini index: True or False? Since 2019, the disease has spread and become a global pandemic. Availability of the data 3. The descriptive epidemiologic variable AGE is related to: -the variation in age-specific disease rates. Finally, the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic demonstrated to the public how a Assume everyone ate the same food items. Healthy eating, The purpose of a double-blinding in clinical trial is to, 1. The prevalence of virus X infection is higher among the hospital patients than among blood donors. T he person has had symptoms and has had medical attention but does not know the name of the disease, Which of the following is not a method for controlling the effects of confounding in epidemiologic studies. Assume everyone ate the same food items. in time, while incidence is the number of new cases of the disease that occur in a T he starting point of the one-year follow-up at both hospitals (after operation versus after discharge) 3. Cyclic variations in the occurrence of disease may reflect what? A study observed that towns with higher sales of suntan lotion had higher rates of skin cancer. When used to screen a group of healthy blood donors for virus X infections, the test is found to have a positive predictive value of 30%. True or False?
Cyclic Cushing's syndrome: an overview - PubMed If there were 4,000 live births, 3 fetal deaths, and 40 maternal deaths, what is the crude birth rate? Fleming, Wade Hampton Frost, and Edgar Sydenstricker. While presenting these data to your colleagues, someone asks if you have thought about confounders such as factor X. Cyclic variations in the occurrence of disease may reflect: Changes in exposure to infectious agents Changes in the risk-taking behavior of persons Changes in temporary stressors Endogenous biologic factors All of the above ** (p. 218) There are a number of factors which are reflected in a cyclic variations in occurrence disease. No animal could be directly linked to the spread of the virus in the Kikwit Ebolo outbreak. Cyclic variations in the occurrence of pneumonia and influenza mortality may reflect: Seasonal variations in cases of influenza. - Screening for breast cancer - Secondary prevention Which of the following activities characterizes a clinical approach (as opposed to, Description of specific signs and symptoms in a patient.
(q2=21C), x1=+9.0cmx _ { 1 } = + 9.0 \mathrm { cm } Smoking cessation 2. The severity (stage) of disease of the patients at the two hospitals at baseline 2. 4. increased costs of the screening test. Indicate by choosing the appropriate option whether the use is for incidence or prevalence data. If the incidence and duration of disease increase, what must also increase? -have been shown for angio sarcoma and vaginal carcinoma. What does the phrase "health disparities" mean to you and how does The following data were collected: Someone suggests immunization as a means of reducing disease, specifically the feared UJ (uderlinger jacamoodi). The figure on page 475 represents different combinations and qualities of validity and reliability (high vs. low). They are nine aspects of an empirical association to consider when trying to decide whether the association is constant to consider if the association is consistent with cause and effect. Which of the following best explains this difference between the positive predictive values? COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and was first identified in December The person with disease has had no symptoms and is not aware of the disease 2. The epidemiology of COVID-19 is Incidence and prevalence data have different applications in public health. E qually through follow-up for mortality. You have just finished administering a food/drink questionnaire to ill and non-ill participants in a Minnesota summer picnic party. True or False? True or False? It was theorized that the flu began in which US state in 1918? Sixty-five people had fever and diarrhea, five of these people were severely affected. For other diseases, 10-year and even 5-year age groups conceal important variations in disease occurrence by age.
Principles of Epidemiology | Lesson 1 - Section 6 - CDC High rates of mortality from hypertension found among African Americans may The 2009-2010 episode of influenza first identified in the United States and eventually called 2009 H1N1 influenza was classified as a pandemic by WHO in summer 2009, True or False?
epidemiology test 1 .docx - QUESTION 1 1. Cyclic variations What type of study is preferred for assessing rare diseases? Sexually transmitted diseases are examples of a residual disorder, one for which the contributing factors are known but for which methods of control have . overreferral of persons without disease for diagnosis iii. Spring of 1918 and Fall/Winter of 1918-1919. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has taken millions of lives. The risk of acquiring a given disease during a time period is best determined by: the incidence rate (cumulative incidence) for that disease in a given period of time. Researchers establish 50 units as a cut point above which a test is considered positive and thereby indicative of disease. In randomized controlled clinical trials, random assignment of subject groups helps: Prophylactic trials A real reason for change in prevalence could be a change in surviorship. Americans have a higher incidence of hypertension than whites, even at an early age -Changes in the fatal course of the condition. The best evidence to determine which suspected water supply is responsible would be: The attack rates for disease X in those who did and did not drink from each water supply. True or False? The existence of a dose-response relationship, that is, an increase in disease risk with an increase in the amount of exposure, does not support the view that an association is a causal one. At the initial examination in the Framingham study, coronary heart disease was found in 5 per 1000 men ages 30-44, and in 5 per 1000 women ages 30-44. Smoking seems much more likely to be casually related to lung cancer than to coronary thrombosis. during the same time period. A prerequisite for using direct age adjustment is that the age-specific death rates in the study population must be stable. The Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) is responsible for (give the best answer): Tracking down unusual disease outbreaks in the US and foreign countries. Incidence and prevalence data have different applications in public health. Substantial international variation in rates of disease are most likely explained by: Differences in climate, cultural factors, and national dietary habits. The prevalence-incidence relationship formula : an American History (Eric Foner), Module 3quiz - Rock music appreciation quiz 3, Mus142Quiz2: Questions About The Establishment Of Rock And Roll, Language Arts Instruction and Intervention (C365), Principles of Business Management (BUS 1101), Human Anatomy And Physiology I (BIOL 2031), Complex Concepts Of Adult Health (RNSG 1443), Essentials for advanced professional nurse and professional roles (D025), Electrical Machines and Power Electronic Drives (E E 452), Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-303), Professional Application in Service Learning I (LDR-461), Advanced Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions (NUR 4904), Principles Of Environmental Science (ENV 100), Operating Systems 2 (proctored course) (CS 3307), Comparative Programming Languages (CS 4402), Business Core Capstone: An Integrated Application (D083), ECO 201 - Chapter 2 Thinking like an economist part 2, Skill Blood Admin - Active Learning Template, Lesson 4 Modern Evidence of Shifting Continents, GIZMOS Student Exploration: Big Bang Theory Hubbles Law 2021, 1-2 Short Answer- Cultural Objects and Their Culture, PDF Mark K Nclex Study Guide: Outline format for 2021 NCLEX exam. An important risk factor for the population is always important for the individual. Cyclic variations in the occurrence of disease may reflect: 1 answer Scientists have introduced in bacteria a wild type gene coding for GFP (green fluorescent protein) or two engineered versions of this gene containing an .
Descriptive Epidemiology Quiz Q&A's Flashcards | Quizlet population over a specified time period. noxious influence that is common to the individuals of the group (E outbreak), Continuous common source epidemic- when an outbreak of disease lasts longer than Seasonal variations in new cases of influenza AND the fact that influenza is a disappearing disease The fact that influenza is a disappearing disease. A dynamic population is one that adds new members through immigration and births and loses members through emigration and deaths. True or False? Cyclic variations in the occurrence of pneumonia and influenza mortality may reflect: A. seasonal variations in cases of influenza. Twelve cases were found, giving a cumulative risk of 8%. The term health disparities refers to differences in health outcomes (e.. mortality and burden of disease) that are closely linked with social, economic.
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