Boonville Correctional Center | Missouri Department of So far in this FY21, approximately 17 students have earned their HiSet, which is quite a feat with reduced class sizes and COVID restrictions! Studies have shown over and over again positive behavior management is effective in offenders of all ages and backgrounds, including offenders with substance abuse and violent tendencies. The following Restorative Justice Garden Donations were distributed in August 2019: 8/01 554.3 Pounds Harvest House, 8/07 316.2 Pounds Fayette Food Pantry, 8/12 606.6 Pounds Boonville Harvest House, 8/15 1,029.3 Pounds - Prairie Home Methodist Food Pantry, 8/19 1,051.3 Pounds Glasgow Food Pantry & Harvest House, 8/21 570.7 Pounds Fayette Food Pantry. This is a testament to the education staff and students who have pushed through many challenges, but still achieved this important milestone! Travis is a great asset to BCC and to the State of Missouri. Along with her duties as Switchboard Operator, she has assisted the mailroom and the personnel office during this period. This program is modeled after a program at CCC. Marmaduke had lost the First Battle of Boonville in 1861 as the commander of the confederate forces directed to hold the city. Keener Tippin, Site Director|Boonville. Countless times Luke has gone above and beyond assisting staff/areas without complaint. WebThe Missouri State Penitentiary was a prison in Jefferson City, Missouri, that operated from 1836 to 2004. Boonville Correctional Center employs 300 staff members who specialize in maint . He does not tolerate sass from an offender to medical staff and will intervene. Joannabegan her employment with the DOC May 2015 as a Corrections Officer I and was promoted to the position of CO II in April 2017. Mike Jewell began his career with the Department of Corrections in January 2014 and served as an assistant to the locksmith, Maintenance Worker II. Through these partnerships, offenders have the opportunity to take college courses and earn credits toward a degree. Early Richards has been selected to fill the vacant position of Corrections Supervisor II (Major) at Boonville Correctional Center. He makes sure that things are running smoothly that porters keep things clean, that things are in the right place, and that the offenders are where they are supposed to be & behaving.
Boonville Correctional Center - BCC - Posts | Facebook This article about a building or structure in Missouri is a stub. She has served as a PACT member and a FTO for four years. Mr. Bing Guan is a freelance photojournalist based in Brooklyn, NY who came to Boonville during the week of September 23rd through September 27th as part of the 71st Missouri Photo Workshop, the worlds oldest and longest running photojournalism workshop. As her supervisor, I lean on her to handle certain daily responsibilities when I am out of the office. The faculty and administration are committed to providing a learning environment that is both challenging and supportive. CO I Boggs began his employment at BCC in July 2019 and worked previously for the MODOC in 2013. This helped the RJ program send out over 150 masks to local nursing homes during the COVID 19 crisis early on. We are proud of these students and their academic accomplishments. Pictured are Deanna Berry ROI and COI Kevin Wilson. BOONVILLE, Mo. Williams was nominated for being a diligent worker whostrives to consistently complete his job in a timely manner while assisting with all unexpected occurrences that happen in Segregation. When offenders break the rules the appropriate consequences for their behavior should be applied but punishment alone does very little to ensure that the misbehavior with not reoccur. CO I Boggs has related experience in corrections with the State of Oklahoma and served as a Senior Correctional Officer there for several years during his employment at Core Civic Davis Correctional Facility from March 2014 through July 2019. IAC Coday not only volunteered to cover this position, she additionally volunteers for custody officer duty while many officer are out on leave due to COVID-19. Before it closed, it was the oldest operating penal facility west of the Mississippi River.It was replaced by the Jefferson City In short he is an outstanding officer in medical and deserves to be the Boonville Correctional Center Employee of the Month, COI Incentive Winners Day Off: COI Raed Al Maliki, COI Steven Gerke, COI Agnas Freeman. Selected from the list of staff who did not call in during the month of June. and the VIP, R&O offenders, Isolation offenders, and Quarantine offenders. William (Bill) Hilden, Physical Plant Supervisor I. William (Bill) Hilden was promoted to the vacant position of Physical Plant Supervisor I effective January 28, 2020.
He was promoted to Electronics Technician in. BCC's Puppies for Parole Program,Inspire Motivate Prisoners and Canines Together (IMPACT),completed training of 12 dogs in April.
Boonville Correctional Center Major Richards has 23 years and 10 months of service with the department and 22 years and 8 months of this time was in custody. Sgt. RJ Garden 6-17-20 distributed 130.2 pounds of radishes and beets to Prairie Home Food Pantry. Available on site during the Job Fair will be the Jamaican Jerk Hut Food Truck for the Community and Boonville Correctional Center Staff! system for records storage. CO I Incentive Parking Sport Winners for July: CO Is and/or Cook I/IIs recognized and randomly selected from the list of staff with no call-ins for the Month of July 2020 and receive front row: COI Kevin Wilson, COI Barry Homan, COI Phyllis Barnes, COI John Partise. Chaplain Name Shawn Pierce #1029799 (Released District #36 5-14-19), Rickey Strain # 1011732 District 11 12-21-18. WebOpen Friday, Saturday and Sunday at: 9:30am - 1:30pm. Sutton volunteered to be placed in segregation when there was a vacancy COII position. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Sgt. CO I Incentive Parking Spot Winners for March: CO Is and or Cook I/IIs recognized and randomly selected from the list of staff with no call-ins for the month of March 2020: William Sims, Willa Gerlt, John Bronakowski, Sasha Conaway. COI Incentive Parking Spot Winners for April: COIs and or Cook I/IIs recognized and randomly selected from the list of staff with no call-ins for the month of April 2020 and receive front row : James Williams Amber Smith, Janet Milne, Larry Hinman, joseph Ouellet, Chris Bozwell, John Partise, and Lori Sims. Rickbegan his career with the departmentat FRDC as a CO I in 1997 and was promoted to Recreation Officer I in 1997 and RO II in 1997. William holds the following Certificates/Licenses: MSFB Training Program, Certificate of Competency, Class K Industrial Waste Treatment, Steam Turbine Seminar Certificate, Wastewater Treatment Operator, and Class II Wastewater. Staff andoffender family members attended the ceremony, which was followed by a reception with cake and ice cream. He noted this is not just a privilege for offenders but a learning tool to make them better fathers. Cook III Matthew Wood was selected as BCCs February 2020 Employee of the Month. The August visit was held August 8, 2019. He keeps security to the top of his mind and is frequently checking doors, and assuring that offenders are not in the wrong areas. CO I Boggs begins his new duties on 1st Shift in Segregation.
He has the lists of appointments and follows up on them to assure that the appointments are kept or that the offender signs a refusal he calls segregation to let them know of appointments. He transferred in December 2014 as a Maintenance Supervisor I at FRDC and transferred back to BCC as a Stationary Engineer in October 2015. I am pleased to announce the selection of Charles Weaver to the position of Maintenance Supervisor I effective Sunday, November 17, 2019. BCC distributed 1,035 Jack-Be-Little pumpkins from our Restorative Justice Garden to several local elementary schools to include Boonville Hannah Cole, New Franklin, Prairie Home, and Emmanuel Lutheran Pre-School on Friday, August 23, 2019. A minimum-security facility in the Missouri Department of Corrections. Morning and afternoon sessions to accommodate all shifts. Prairie Home Methodist Church. Personnel Clerk Betty Hundley retired after 33 years of service effective May 1, 2020. The Boonville Correctional Center is made from three offices on the premises. CO I Tim Murdock was nominated and selected for the May 2020 Employee of the Month for BCC. Thank you Nelda!
Boonville Correctional Center CCM Luke Haller was nominated and select for August 2020 Employee of the Month for BCC. ", CO I Incentive Winners for July: CO I Laurene Atterberry, CO I Daniel Brady, & CO I Jeffrey Baker, CO I Incentive Parking Spot Winners for July: CO I recognized and randomly selected from the list of staff with no call-ins for the month of July 2019:CO I Travis Brennan, CO I Travis McKee, CO I Louis Gann, CO I Diane Evans, CO I Joseph Ouellet, CO I James Dority, CO I Robert Kennedy, CO I Tim Hendren. Bench has related employment with experience in construction, simple wiring, plumbing, framing and roofing houses, building small electrical motors and general maintenance on machines. Maria Gose was promoted to the position of AOSA in the Wardens office at Boonville Correctional Center. Sheila Campbell-Malone, was selected as BCCs January 2020 Employee of the Month. COII Tanner Womack was selected to fill the vacant position of COIII at BCC effective September 15, 2019. Luke brings a breath of fresh air to the Institution and can always count on to assist with anything asked of him. He knew what had to be done and did it. Thanks Tim Hendren for you hard work and dedication to Boonville Correctional Center and being a great asset to the team. They are the first to receive diplomas from the program, which began at BCC in January 2019. The officer does so without hesitation and is eager to see the outcome even with no expectation for recognition. RJ Garden 6-16-20 distributed 466.8 pounds of beets, turnips, strawberries to River of Life Food Pantry. Sitting on your dads shoulders would be a normal occurrence for most children but if your father is incarcerated it just doesnt happen. The BCC Veterans Program held a ceremony at the upper hill flag pole. Prior to that position, she worked for Corizon Medical Services at BCC as the Administrative Assistant/Records Clerk from September 2002 through June 2012. He had little to no notice that the moves were going to take place. Fisher, LPN. Faith is being trained to alert on doorbells and has been fitted with a harness to assist with walking. COIs, Custody Supervisors and Cook I, II and III Parking Spot Winners: COIII Stephanie Keller, COIII Robert Emmerich, COI Roy Chenault, COI Brandi Bell, COI Ashley Truss, COIII Farrell Rooks, COI Daniel Craig, COII Corey Peck. Ms. Gerlt was submitted for recognition for the outstanding work she did when assigned to the Control Center. COI Incentive Winners Day Off: John Partise, Phyllis Barnes and Jeffery Hopper. COI and Cook I and II Parking Spot Winners: COI James Williams, COI Jessica Ott, COI Jeffrey Hopper, COI Janet Milne, CKII Lisa Good, COI Wayne Gerard, COI Brandi Bell, CKII Lori Sims. WebBoonville Correctional Center is a minimum-security state prison for male inmates located in Boonville, Missouri. BCC Awards Ceremony was held on March 16th in the Hope Chapel. The ceremony was followed by a reception. Megan Willette has been selected to fill the CCM position at BTC effective June 2, 2019. COI Incentive Winners Day Off: COI Devon Lantz, COI Mark Slate, COI Jesse Wallace. BCC Job Fair was held on June 15 along with 2 Odd Dawgs Food Truck. As of June 30, 2004, this facility housed 1,204 male offenders. She volunteers for overtime, serves on the color guard and is a huge asset to BCC. The facility houses Male Offenders who are convicted for crimes which come under Missouri state and federal laws. It is a minimum security (C-1 state penitentiary housing approximately 1,300 male inmates. New staff often mention how positive she is when assisting them. CO I Incentive Winners for May 2020:CO Is receive one day off of their choice in June utilizing their own time. Two colleges attended, as well as several new contacts including transitional housing, and a fathers program. The facility is located on 485 acres in Boonville, Missouri, and is a medium security facility. Staff Appreciation Activities- September 16th through September 20th Monday- sports day/hat day- wear your favorite sports teams colors, shirts or jerseys and hat day wear your favorite hat or ball cap, Tuesday-bcc united t-shirt or any bcc/doc shirt you have from the past, Wednesday-new staff appreciation t-shirt & staff meal, Thursday -I need a vacation day/Hawaiian shirt- wear your favorite shirt/top from your favorite vacation spot or country or Hawaiian shirts, Friday- band t-shirt/patriotic day- wear your favorite music band t-shirt (appropriate for work) or red, white & blue. Unit I Jody Gramlich, FUM HU#6 and HU#8, Unit IV Bruce Stephens, FUM HU7, HU#9, HU#10 and HU#11H, Strategic Plan Meeting January 13, 2020 - 2 Attendees, Section Head Meeting/MAC Meeting/Fire & Safety Meeting January 15, 2020, Town Hall Meeting: January 23, 2020 37 Staff Attended, The donation collected in December 2019 for Boonville High School students outstanding debt was presented on January 8, 2020. Ms. Long began her employment with BCC in December 2019 as the Switchboard Operator. WebBoonville Correctional Center is located in Boonville Missouri. Gramlich went above and beyond helping the CO I with the Bay Roster, Alpha Roster and Count Sheet, while the COI took care of moving and receiving offenders. The BCC Resource Fair was held March 11, 2020 with 25 vendors and 420 offenders attending. Without the Maintenance Department, the BCC Recreation Department would be financially over budget on projects like this due to having to hire an outside company to do what we were wanting. In three hours the offender was on his way home. Ms. Campbell-Malone is dedicated and relentless when it comes to details. I wanted to let you know that I worked with COI Hendren this evening in Segregation. Amanda Thiara was promoted to the vacant position of Storekeeper II effective January 5, 2020. She has earned college credit towardan undergraduate degree. Receiving an Associate of Arts Degree from the University were: Ethan Humphries, Donald Washington and Jacob West, Jacob West graduated with honors from the program. Bill Hilden began his employment with the DOC as a Cook II in June 1996 and has held the position of Labor Supervisor, Maintenance Worker II in training for a Stationary Engineer, Fire & Safety Specialist, Cook III, and has been a Stationary Engineer since July 2019. This has been a tremendous amount of help to kitchen staff members and allows them to perform their duties and keep schedules running. Sutton took the task of placing picture IDs on the cell doors and completed it. COIs, Custody Supervisors and Cook I, II and III Parking Spot Winners: COI Rhonda Jackson, COII Brandi Simmons, COI Sarah Little, COII Matthew Sutton, COI Travis McKee, COI Kaleb Frickenschmidt, CSI Troy Blank, COI James Williams. Melissa Draffen, SOSA was promoted to the position of Personnel Clerk effective May 1, 2020. Larry is dependable and goes out of his way to assist other staff members when they need help. Chelsey Hall, Diane Evans, and Phyllis Barnes. Piled up along the razor-wire fence were hundreds of plastic garbage bags bulging with pieces of broken toilets and destroyed electronic surveillance He returned toFRDC as Recreation Officer II in 2011and promoted to RO III at BCC in 2012. He also has been a licensed armature radio operator since 1992. Notable buildings on its campus still standing are the Food Commissary and Supply Commissary, the oldest remaining buildings. The offenders were over joyed by the amount of toys and items they were able to give back to the community. Ms. Gerlt did awesome under the pressure of it all of this while multi-tasking these events. CO I Incentive Winners for June: CO I Kenneth Kemp, CO I Janet Milne, and CO I Larry Chenault recognized and randomly selected from the list of no call-ins during the month of June and selected to receive one day off of their own choice guaranteed for the month of July. Basic Training was conducted at BCC with 10 participants. She is pleasant to work with and demonstrates the teamwork and motivation that makes it easy for her coworkers to also be productive. Mr. Bell transferred to Boonville Correctional center July 2017. CCM Haller taught 12 offenders how to utilize a sewing machine. Janis Brown began her employment with BCC as an Office Support Assistant in August 2017. COI and Cook I and II Parking Spot Winners: Phillip Goldsmith, CKII Lori Sims, Janet Milne, Diane Evans, Tim Hendren, Travis Brennan, James Weeks and CKII Donna Bastian. Strategic Plan 4-21-20 2 members present. By keeping track of mop heads and only issuing new mop heads when worn out, he was able to reduce the amount of mop heads from 149 to 40 in one year. IAC Coday often volunteers on short notice to assist wherever she can with daily operations at BCC assisting in keeping the institution operating smoothly. CO I James Williams was selected as September Employee of the Month. of Education: 1990 K Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006,
A South Texas Prison Riot Puts a Town on the Brink CO I Incentive Parking Spot Winners for June: CO I Laurene Atterberry, CO I Ryan Dixon, and CO IRick Harvey recognized and randomly selected from the list of staff with no call-ins for the month of June 2019. Please congratulate Ms. Thiara and assist her as needed as she begins her assignment as SKII in the clothing commissary. She has received three (3) Employee of the Month recognitions at BTC and one Employee of the Quarter at the Division level with DORS. Even though he worked a 12 hour shift there was no complaining.
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