Rossi USA R92 Lever Action Carbine .357 MAG 16" 8+1 - Blue/Black, 16 The adjustable buckhorn sights complement the rifles classic design. What gives it away? We call it the most fun you can have in a long-rifle platform. |
Thanks for writing! Topside you have the traditional twin locking bolts, followed by a safety lever forward of the hammer and basically between these lugs.
Rossi R92 Lever Action Carbine Rifle | Sportsman's Warehouse No spam. He is from TX. Your email address will not be published. The Henry eventually became the Winchester Model 1866. Sell your rossi r92 357 for FREE today on GunsAmerica! Lets talk for just a moment about using the .357 to hunt deer-sized game. Being a clone of the Winchester, its a bit finicky to disassemble and reassemble, but there are good instructional vids on YouTube for that. apist. I ordered a new .45 Colt stainless-steel Rossi R92, and it is an excellent rendition of this classic firearm. Then you really would have something.
Review: Rossi Model 92 - RifleShooter RifleShooter Magazine editor Scott Rupp breaks down all the features of the Mossberg Patriot Predator rifle chambered in 6.5 PRC. Rossi has been making guns since 1889, when Amadeo Rossi founded the company. Six models in .44 Magnum in the same finishes. . Modern forms like the Hornady 225-grain FTX, the Swift 265-grain A-Frame, and the Hornady 250- and 300-grain XTP bullets can be loaded to some impressive velocities that would make good hunting loads for deer or hogs. Federal has created a safer, easier and more reliable way to shoot a muzzleloader. I too, have fired the .45 Colt version of Rossis Lever Action stable, and I agree, its a well designed and well made gun. Simply rotate the lever either way to place the gun on Safe or Fire. It is available chambered in .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, .44-40, .45 Colt, and .454 Casull. From the rugged simplicity of the ST12 to the no-fuss Tuffy, Rossi shotguns are rugged and dependable. (Ret.) Switched to a Ruger 77/357 that would have put ALL shots in the red.
Rossi R92 .357 Magnum lever action rifle - YouTube All RifleShooter subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. Lighter and tougher and more precise than ever, it's the perfect back country hunting rifle. Just forward of the receiver is a buckhorn leaf sight with a notch that most shooterseven the veteranswill be comfortable with. Rossi 923572413 357 24 OCT 12rd BK/HDW OCT. Out of Stock. Look at the magazine and the bolt. The mid-1880s ushered in a new era for riflemen with two major changes. No rifle does classic American styling and swift, light handling like Rossis legendary R92. No other shotgun may have as many uses as the Tuffy break-action. ), I just bought my today .Rossi 357/38 stainless still. Hardwood, 357 MAG / 38 SPECIAL +P, Polished Black Oxide, OCT Barrel, 24 In. J. Scott Rupp takes a first look at the Springfield M1A Loaded rifle chambered in the popular 6.5 Creedmoor. I agree with you about the 9mm AR I have one and they are fun!! Available in different sizes and red dot ready, it'll fit your needs, whatever they are. The handy rifle weighs less than five pounds, offers 8+1 capacity, and measures 33.5 inches in total length. Unsubscribe at any time. 38 Spl is a different story, shoots low and left, but can be compensated for if I wanted to. Stock: Brazilian Hardwood You know gives away the fact that this is not a normal AR-pattern rifle. Some call it "the best of both worlds." Learn the difference between revolvers and semi-auto pistols and what makes them different. The Round Barrel comes in two finish options - Blue or Stainless. With its redesigned thumbhole/pistol grip stock and short length-of-pull, the Tuffy is an ideal truck gun and great for small-frame shooters. Brazilian Hardwood, .45 COLT, Polished Stainless, 20 In. Hi Mike; I have this exact rifle and enjoy it tremendously. Beth Shimanski of Savage introduces their all new straight-pull rifle. Ironically, the Model 1892 has appeared in countless Western movies and TV shows that required a lever-action gun, even though it wasnt released until decades after the time period in which many of the shows were set. Google Translation . 4.7 out of 5 Stars! Some call it "the best of both worlds."
The Rossi company is still run by family members and is dedicated to producing the best firearms it can. The switches were from single-shot guns to repeaters and from moderately powered blackpowder rounds to more powerful cartridges that fired then-new smokeless powders. I experimented with several distances and target sizes and finally settled on the NRA 25-yard slow-fire pistol target with a 5.25-inch orange bullseye, and I did the shooting at a distance of 30 yards. Recently, a Rossi Model 92 came to my office, and it impressed me as a no-nonsense, all-weather hunting tool for the elusive whitetail in appropriate calibersor for spending time at the range for Cowboy Action or just recreational shooting in cases like the .45 Colt-chambered rifle I tested. The good: works great every time; once broken in I have not experienced any FTF or FTE (just use the lever like you mean it); finish is good; light and easy to use; low recoil; shoots 357, 38 specials and 38+p ammo; price is lower than competitors. I bought my first one, a carbine, from a J.C. Penneys store 1969. Third R92 I have purchased. The Winchester Model 1886 was the first rifle designed for Winchester by John M. Browning, and it was much larger and stronger than the earlier Models 1873 and 1876. Find out more here. Over the years, firearms bearing the Rossi name have led the way in design and engineering, all the while remaining an affordable product without any sacrifice to quality.
R92 - Rossi USA Rossi 357 Magnum Lever Action - Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore Loads with lead-alloy bullets were slightly more accurate than those with jacketed bullets, but there were suitable loads of both types. Frank, glad to hear it and glad you like it. Ive mentioned the nice fit of steel to wood, and speaking of the wood, the R92 is stocked in what is described as Brazilian hardwood. The slightly reddish color reminds me of mahogany and the grain structure of walnut. 16 reviews.
Coburg - Overview, News & Competitors | From its traditional stock to its polished stainless barrel band, the R92 will be one gun that will not disappoint. Rossi offers the R92 in other chamberings, including .357 Mag., .44 Mag. Hasnt happened yet and no matter how much i pray and hope, im not seeing any new ones show up? (P.S. You would need to use a heavy-bullet-heavy-load combination in order for the round to be at its best on deer-sized game. The trigger pull on my rifle measured 3 pounds, 13.8 ounces, and it was very crisp.
Rossi R92 .357 Magnum Lever Action Rifle 16" Stainless Steel Round A stronger action was required with the introduction of cartridges using smokeless powder. Turning it back the other way makes it go back into the hammer, allowing the hammer to operate normally. However, I still pull it out of the safe every now and then, and in the words of my wife fondle it and action the lever with dummy rounds! It wasnt the gun, for sure I owned another Rossi R92 that was more than accurate enough, and (as I described above) had taken deer. Best 9mm Ammo in 2021 [Self-Defense & Target], 6.5 Creedmoor vs .243 Win Cartridge Comparison, Ruger Wrangler review an affordable .22LR, Colt Anaconda .44 Magnum Revolver Review: The Big Snake Gun, [Review] Mossberg 715T: Black Rifle For Almost Any Budget, 6 lbs., 2 oz. Beretta 3032 Tomcat [Review]: A Worthy Self-Defense Pistol? But, what is Rossi? This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. This model features a fast lever action which operates quickly using the trigger guard to load a fresh cartridge into the chamber. You think it is a fair price? Good review Mike. It held 10 cartridges, and was easy to tote around and shoot. Ft. All Purpose Potting Mix $3.99 now through May 7 |, Rossi R92 357 Mag Stainless Steel Hardwood 20 in 10-Round RH Rifle, Barrel length - 20 in Overall length - 37.5 in Lever action Stainless steel barrel finish Caliber - .357 Magnum/.38 Special Capacity - 10+1 Grip type - wood Manual safety Wood stock Weight - 5.6 lb Right hand Weight: Approximately 7.5 pounds Shipping Dim. Rossi Model 92 Lever Action Carbine 357 Mag 20" Stainless . I like Rossi lever action rifles. The Model 1866, Model 1873, and Model 1876 shared the toggle-link actions similar to that of the Henry, which were adequate for the relatively low-pressure blackpowder rounds of the day. Fast and fun to use, you'll have a hard time putting down the Rossi R92. From the rugged simplicity of the ST12 to the no-fuss Tuffy, Rossi shotguns are rugged and dependable. The RP63, or as we like to call it: your next carry gun. If you have any feedback or question about my articles, please submit it here, it's always appreciated! I have the rossi 92 in blue, love it especially the safety features. Thanks John. Had issues with the first purchased some 10 years ago. Thinking about a lever gun the new Rossi's are definitely worth a look. Polished stainless steel, close-grained hardwood stock this rifle is built to not only harvest deer (or whatever you use it for) its meant to look good while doing that. . This also releases a round from the magazine, and the lifter raises it up into position in front of the chamber. Exclusive deals, discounts, new product launches, coupon codes and more. In this Article: Colt Anaconda Pros and ConsWhat is the Colt Anaconda?Colts Snake GunsThe Colt Anaconda Up CloseColt Anaconda PhotosColt Anaconda VariationsWrap Up The Colt Anaconda is a revolver many of us dream about owning. LOL, Michael, yeah, the .357 rifle makes a great companion gun to (with?) Velocities were modest, ranging from about 1,000 fps for the lead-bullet loads and 1,000 to 1,200 fps for the jacketed-bullet rounds. and .454 Casull. In store pick-ups will have a transfer fee. The only suggestion I have for Rossi is to drill and tap holes for a receiver sight.
Hi! A classy and practical rifle. Reviews Questions & Answers . DPMS LR-308 [Review]: The AR, Back to Basics. With its redesigned thumbhole/pistol grip stock and short length-of-pull, the Tuffy is an ideal truck gun and great for small-frame shooters.
Compare. The A-Frame registered 1,335 and 1,286 fps with these two powders and registered excellent accuracy. An excellent variety of jacketed bullets is offered for the .45 Colt, and many are eminently suitable for use in the longer barrel of a rifle with its higher velocities. Radical Firearms RF-15 556 Nato 16" Barrel Opti Walther PDP Compact 4" Optics Ready 9mm Luger 1 Beretta APX Carry A1 9mm Optics Ready JAXN920A1. I ordered a new .45 Colt stainless-steel Rossi R92, and it is an excellent rendition of this classic firearm. Over the years, firearms bearing the Rossi name have led the way in design and engineering, all the while remaining an affordable product without any sacrifice to quality.
R92 - Real world price for me in 2Q2020 was about $800, because availability was very poor at the time. The Remington Model Seven is ready, willing and able to handle just about any task. All these guns are well worth a second look.. The tubular magazine below the barrel holds 10 rounds, and the short rifle loads through the familiar port on the right side of the receiver. You get a lot of gun for your money with the R92. Rossi 923571693 Lever Action Rifle .357 Magnum (Accepts .38 Special +P and .38 Special) 16" Round Stainless Steel Barrel 8 Rounds Thumb Safety Buckhorn Sights Brazilian Hardwood Stock/Forend Overall Length 33.5" Overall Weight 5.5lbs Stainless Steel Finish Categories: Lever Action Rifles Condition: New Manufacturer: Rossi Model: R92 No other shotgun may have as many uses as the Tuffy break-action. Kimber's Hunter Pro Desolve Blak takes the firm's more affordable mountain rifle to new heights. For example, with a heavy hunting or winter range jacket, this length will probably satisfy the majority of shooters. Then came the Winchester Models 1873 and 1876. Marlin wins hands down. The lever opening is large enough for three fingers of the shooting hand, the action is smooth for a gun in its price range, and it's quick to respond to your hand. I ventured out to my backyard range on a blustery, cold day recently with the shiny R92. (I might have second thoughts, though, about taking this beautifully-finished stainless wonder into the scratchy, briar-y woods).. If looking to acquire an automated powder-charge dispensing unit to speed up precision reloading, don't judge the RCBS ChargeMaster Lite powder scale and dispenser by its name; the Little Green machine packs a heavy-weight punch with speed and accuracy. Description Rossi's R92 is a shorter, lighter carbine rifle. The Model 1892 was originally chambered for .25-20, .32-20, .38-40, and .44-40 cartridges, which were popular revolver cartridges of the day. Look at this gun. This model features a fast lever action which operates quickly using the trigger guard to load a fresh cartridge into the chamber. The adjustable buckhorn sights complement the rifle's classic design. Bolt safety. There was only one malfunction, which Ill get to in a moment, over the course of firing many test rounds. The price point (and chambering) makes it one of the more affordable guns for sure. From the, Lever Action Hunter. But, the ammo shortage put a definite crimp on the shooting activities. Whoever sized the R92s rear sight got it exactly right. Group averages were right up where I would expect from a short-barreled, open-sighted gun at 25 yards.
Joseph VonBenedikt is with Joel Hodgdon to talk about the improved accuracy and long-range potential of the already reliable Core-Lokt ammo line. Future versions of the 92 will not feature this safety lever, but those currently on dealer shelves do have it. I knew from the get-go that I was probably not going to shoot stellar groups with the small amount of ammo that I had. Ive also owned a couple of Rossi revolvers a snub-nosed .357 and one with a six-inch barrel. Bert, I dont blame you it is both those things. Up front is a blade sight complete with a gold bead.
Rund um Grub am Forst: 1 Reviews, Map - Bayern, Germany | AllTrails As I said, there was one glitch, and it came with the CCI Blazer load. The only thing the Rossis have going for them, once they are tuned right, is that they are have the 92 cowboy action. The 44 can reach out further, effectively.
LANDGASTHOF GOLDENE ROSE, Grub am Forst - Restaurant Reviews & Phone I'm Mike, one of the oldest writer of Sniper Country! Getting the tenth round in the magazine is a chore, but it will go in, if your thumb holds out. (weighed on my digital scale). That makes 18 different lever guns made by our Brazilian maker. The 300-grain XTP with W296 also made a fine load.
Rossi R92 357 Mag Stainless Steel Hardwood 20 in 10-Round RH Rifle If you have a question about an item, please call or e-mail for more information before placing your order. Fixed/Adjustable Buckhorn Sights Wood Stock Manual Safety WHY CUSTOMERS CHOSE THIS ITEM Specifications Please choose a variant above. Lets look at what I said about the company in that review. I have owned this 16 inch 357 stainless Rossi 92 rifle for about 5 years. Sell your rossi r92 357 for FREE today on GunsAmerica! Before there were scopes or red dots there were iron sights. The Ultimate Guide to 5.7x28mm Ammunition Pistols and Rifles [2023], The Ultimate Guide to 5.7x28mm Ammunition Pistols and Rifles, The Ultimate Guide To Pistol Caliber Carbines (PCCs) & Submachine Guns (SMGs), The Ultimate Buyer's Guide to Bullpup Rifles & Shotguns for [2023]. (The owners manual says to drift the front sight for windage correction.)
Rossi M92 Lever-Action Rifle - SWAT Survival | Weapons | Tactics Introducing the all-new line of Rossi Revolvers Nothing fancy, just well made and reliable. Joseph Von Benedikt shows his custom 500 and how well it shoots. There's also a thumb safety on all models. $849.99 .
Lever Action Rifles - Rossi USA I want one. All rights reserved. lighter versions of their big brothers with 16" or 20" carbine models. 2007-2023 Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore. Barrel lengths run from 16 to 24 inches, depending on model . Shoots as good (bad) as the Marlin 1894C I got rid of. Thanks for writing!
Rossi Model 92 .357 Magnum Lever Action Rifle - Stainless Steel/Wood - 16" Rossi has been making guns since 1889, when Amadeo Rossi founded the company. I really enjoyed shooting mine when I owned it, and it really did a number on deer under 100 yards. Rossi USA 357 Magnum Lever Action w/16" Round Stainless Barrel/W Smooth wood forend and stock. The Rossi R92 combines a traditional hardwood stock with blued or stainless-steel finish to deliver a big-bore rifle suitable for the backwoods or the back forty. Operation of the rifle is straightforward. I find the Rossi Model 92 a blast to have in the field and shoot.
The gun comes without sling swivels, but for many lever-gun fans the accepted practice is to just grab the rifle by the receiver and have at it. Hardwood, 357 MAG / 38 SPECIAL +P, Polished Stainless, 20 In. Your email address will not be published. No rifle does classic American styling and swift, light handling like Rossi's legendary R92. Seller: argusarms (FFL) argusarms (FFL) GA Sales: 18. The right-side loading port is a bit on the small size, and I would suggest they make this a little biggerespecially on guns chambered for the bulkier .44 caliber and larger cartridges. That tradition lives on in Rossis version (called the R92), which is the subject of this report. The Rossi R92 is offered in blue steel and stainless steel, with barrel lengths of 16 and 20 inches. It is a Winchester Model 1892. The Brazilian R92. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. There is a barrel band just short of the muzzle, and a stainless fore-end band is located just inches from fore-end tip. Make sure to watch till the end. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. A set of buckhorn sights and 8 round magazine tube are standard. The thing shot well, though, and handled my 260-grain cast flat point bullet handloads with ease. Besides, guns like my sample are going to spend their time at the range rather than in the field, and sling swivels aren't a big deal. Ideal for small-game and target shooting while adding extended-range and faster follow-up shots. Summary The Ruger Wrangler is an excellent .22 revolver for beginners and experienced shooters alike.
Buy ROSSI 92 For Sale Price - New and Used - In Stock - GUNWATCHER.COM A stainless-steel revolverchambered in .357 Magnum, the RP63 is perfect for home defense or everyday carry. Ideal for small-game and target shooting while adding extended-range and faster follow-up shots. Items that are regulated by the ATF have restrictions and requirements:Your entire order will ship only to a Federal-Firearm License holder.Please contact your local FFL prior to placing your order to ensure they are still accepting transfers.
Rossi 92 .357 Magnum | Lone Star State Firearms Buy ROSSI / BRAZTECH R92 MODEL 92 STAINLESS FINISH WOOD STOCK 20" BBL .357 MAG: GunBroker is the largest seller of Lever Action Rifles Rifles Guns & Firearms All: 984472416 . Coburg contact info: Phone number: +49 9561705370 Website: What does Coburg do? Out of Stock.
Rossi USA 357 Magnum Lever Action w/16" Round Stainless Barrel/W Also, with the hammer on the halfcock safety notch, as its moved, the safety lever barely clears the right locking bolt. The iconic Model 92 lever gun has been made by several firms. I followed that recommendation for my jacketed-bullet handloads. Rossi RM66 357 Mag Revolver with Satin Stainless Steel Finish, Rossi R92 357 Magnum Lever-Action Rifle with Octagonal Barrel, Rossi R92 357 Mag Triple Black Edition Lever-Action Carbine, Rossi R92 357 Magnum Lever Action Rifle with Brazilian Hardwood Stock and Gold Accents, Rossi M92 Carbine .38/357 Lever Action Rifle, Rossi M92 38/357 Mag Lever-Action Rifle with Case Hardened Receiver and Octagon Barrel (Cosmetic Blemishes), Rossi M92 Carbine .38/357 Lever Action Rifle with 20-Inch Barrel (Cosmetic Blemishes), Rossi M92 357 Mag Lever Action Rifle with 16-Inch Barrel (Cosmetic Blemishes), Rossi M92 38/357 Lever Action Carbine (Cosmetic Blemishes), Rossi Model 92 357 Mag/38 Special Carbine, Rossi Model 92 357 Mag Lever-Action Carbine with Stainless Barrel, Rossi Model 92 357 Mag/38 Special Lever-Action Carbine (Cosmetic Blemishes), Rossi R92 .357 Magnum Lever-Action Rifle with 20 inch Round Stainless Barrel (Cosmetic Blemishes), Rossi 461 357 Magnum Used Police Trade-in Revolver, Rossi 462 Stainless 357 Magnum Used Police Trade-in Revolver, Rossi Model 57 357 Magnum Police Trade-in Revolver, Rossi M971 .357 MAG Police Trade-in Revolver, Rossi M713 357 MAG Police Trade-in Revolver.
Ranger Point Precision | Rossi 92 Parts & Accessories Whether you get this dressy version or the more subdued blued metal/hardwood stock, I dont think youll be disappointed. The Rossi R92 combines a traditional hardwood stock with blued or stainless-steel finish to deliver a big-bore rifle suitable for the backwoods or the back forty.
R92 - Rossi USA A World Record Attempt and everyone is out at the range shooting and practicing. ROSSI, M92, LEVER ACTION, 357 MAG, 20" ROUND BARREL, STAINLESS FINISH, WOOD STOCK, ADJUSTABLE SIGHTS, 10RD True Price: $ 699.95 Base Price: $699.95 Tax: - In Stock Back in stock 6 days ago Buy Store ROSSI R92 LEVER ACTION CARBINE LEVER ACTION RIFLE True Price: $ 699.99 Base Price: $699.99 Tax: - In Stock
Rossi / Braztech R92 Model 92 Stainless Finish Wood Stock 20" Bbl .357 Another plus is that after much test-firing, the bore fouled hardly at all, either with jacketed or lead bullets. Just Me, those Ruger 77s in pistol calibers were great guns. I have had a number Marlins and Rossis 357s. Handload: 160-grain cast SWC over 7.1 grains of Long Shot.
Why did I want THIS gun? Part 23- Rossi Model 92 in .357 - YouTube Reviewed 23 August 2017 . Rossi RM66 357 Mag Revolver with Satin Stainless Steel Finish $620.99 $499.99; In Stock Brand: Rossi; Item . Most handgun barrels in .45 Colt have a 1:16-inch twist. No other shotgun may have as many uses as the Tuffy break-action. The old .38, out of a rifle barrel, pushed .357 velocities out of a handgun. Kimber Hunter Pro Desolve Blak - A Lightweight Heavy Hitter, Browning BLR Lightweight '81 Stainless Takedown Lever Rifle, Mossberg Patriot Predator 6.5 PRC Rifle Review, Review: Springfield Armory M1A Loaded Rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor, RCBS ChargeMaster Lite Review: Not 'Lite' on Ability, Remington Model Seven SS HS Bolt-Action Rifle Review. Appreciate you writing again! Plus, you'll be the first to hear about our newest giveaways. Thumb safety. Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore reserves the right to modify or change pricing information or descriptions without notice. Fill out the fields above and we will email you a price quote just for you that will be valid for 24 hours. Fast and fun to use, you'll have a hard time putting down the Rossi R92. Subscriber Services. This trigger certainly passes inspection. The longer one was a tack driver. I loaded some of each type made by Bushwacker Bullet Co. (no longer available) over nine suitable powders, and the R92 dutifully plunked them into nice, round groups that averaged 2.64 inches. A copy of your order/invoice as well as the current FFL license for your local dealer must be emailed to They both had highly-polished metal areas and rubber grips. Ill pass on the text color issue thanks for writing! It is also kinda cool that its effectively a PCC, and I can carry my S&W R8 together with it and only need one ammo. With the new hornady lever action bullets in 44 magnum and 357 magnum there are new receipes for reloading. The RP63, or as we like to call it: your next carry gun. We may earn a commission when you purchase through the links on our site. Rossi M92 357 Mag Lever Action Rifle with 16-Inch Barrel (Cosmetic Blemishes) $429.99; . The warm Brazilian hardwood furniture compliments the rifles polished stainless-steel finish from the muzzle to the buttplate. A rifle that performs as good as it looks. The new Sako Finnlight II sports an innovative stock and Cerakote metal paired with the terrific 85 action. I managed to put some holes in the targets, but did nothing really notable. Once you found that load for this rifle, I wouldnt hesitate to take it afield during deer firearms season. Not enough data to accurately predict used value. This one works well. For more information go to. Is the capacity based on .38SPL or .357MAG? Introduced in 1965 with the .444 Marlin cartridge, the Model 444 was the most powerful lever action of its day. In any event, it is very attractive, and its a fine complement to the stainless-steel rifle. Additionally, you have a half-cock hammer position, which to me is a great way to carry the gun in the woodsone in the chamber, hammer on half-cock. A red dot can be seen when the safety is in the Off position. 3 different weight 38 special bullets and 3 different weight 357 mag with 180 gr being the top end. They were a good buy for the money. R92 Round Barrel models feature crescent buttplates and an extended front sight. The fastest load I tested was the Hornady 225-grain FTX over 24.0 grains of Hodgdon LilGun powder. The attention to detail that Amadeo Rossi built the company on in 1889 is evidently present in the revival of our revolver line.
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