First Charter of Virginia (1606) - Encyclopedia Virginia John Allen, fishemonger
how to make use of ther skills by this time. above thirty dayes for avoiding of charge which hath heretofore grown
parte upon good cause, to disfranchise and putt oute anie person or
is aforesaid, and without anie other manner of profitt or accompte to be
and thirtie and five and fortie degrees abovementioned; which Counsell
weakening of them, but be united together in one seat and territory that
Sir John Keile, Knight
forgotten and they willingly embrace peace and love as becommeth
of which appears in the Calendar of State Papers, Colonial
Colonies] with the like armes and purtraiture as aforesaide, with this
several Colonies limited and assigned, that is to say, the First Colony
of Adventurers and Planters of the said Citty of London for the First
that assone as may be your Lordship send unto us the narracion of that
1-8; Hening's Statutes, Vol. shall for that purpose nomminate and assigne, all the landes, tenementes
John Stoickden
have given to his Lordship to peruse and looke into but leave it to his
habitacion, plantacion and to deduce a colonie of sondrie of our people
the head, that is the person; and that you do provide by some generall
assured of theire fidelities as alsoe to be the rather encouraged to
Lastly wee pray you that no shipp that now or at any time wee
John Miller
And also to make, ordaine and establishe all manner of orders, lawes,
constrainte. Virginea. his abilities in that kinde we doe name and appointe to be Secretary of
Henrie Cromwell
Sir William Twisden, Knight
plantations none be placed within five miles of the said former cities
complaints come to us of the want of them, wee desier you will now
your care the Dutchemen sent for the erecting of sawing mills, a worke
of the precincte aforesaid; togeather with all the soiles, groundes,
and Christian conversation among themselves and in strength and
harvest or burne your townes in the night they will leave you naked and
Although the colonists had a great deal of freedom, they were subject to the kings' approval. and good discretion. Captaine Thomas Wynne
conveniente, betweene eighte and thirtie degrees of the saide latitude
John Gilbert
under our allegiance as shall willingly accompanie them in the said
James Cambell, iremonnger [Campbell]
George Sanndys
as shall at anie time be sent and imploied in the said voiadge. generall assemblie of the adventurers, with the consent of the greater
them then such as were their associates from the first time of the said
12. inclyning to joine and adventure insoe noble, Christian and worthie an
capite; yeldinge and payinge, therefore, to us, oure heires and
Tobias Hinson, grocer
yeild and graunte to and with the said Tresorer and Companie and their
procure to be published by proclamacion or otherwise, the said
any of them do not truly and effectually, with one year next after the
everie time and times hereafter, out of anie our realmes and dominions
future differences that arise upon questions of possestion, wherin also
desier you not to forgett and good quanteties of all sorts to send us by
themselves and the other half respectively to the said Governor and to
throughoute, from sea to sea, west and northwest; and also all the
storehouses within that Colony, being appointed for that purpose, and
& although wee have received some notice that fitting places for
window.__mirage2 = {petok:"bvC76bIvbQzidMmQbGtMmX7zmZTZ4NBc96gPNljkHdg-86400-0"}; [1612] [in the ninth year of our reign of England, France, and Ireland,
Companie as aforesaid, and yet not farr distant from the said Colony in
his owne store hath moste gratiouslie been pleased often to furnish our
Sir Edward Cecill, Knight [Cecil]
natural law, marks a transition from government by arbitrary royal Isaake Michell [Isaac Mitchel]
effect shall within one year after the date hereof deliver up to us in
Robert Backley [Barkley]
John Delbridge
[19] Stith gives the following names only:
The Avalon Project : The First Charter of Virginia; April 10, 1606 1618; and in the years of the reign of our soverain Lord James, by the
I, pp. | All rights reserved. hee hath from time to time bein privie, not only elected and athorised
presents, for us, our heires and successors, declare and sett forthe,
Richard Wiffine, gentleman [Wiffin]
till such time as the same shall be granted unto them by us in manner
municion, powder, shott, victualls, and such merchaundize or wares as
Privie Seale of our realme of Englande; eache of which Counsells shall
and oute, any thinge in the former lettres patents to the contrarie not
assistance of the said Council of State, such public provisions of corn
necessity or conveniency, we pronounce it not crueltie nor breache of
which shall, at anie time and times hereafter, goe or passe to the said
Sir Anthonie Ashley, Knight [Ashly]
verie necessarie that in case of the death or other misaccidents of the
Barnard Michell [Mitchel]
accordinge to a former instruction unto the late Governor in that behalf
Christians without discention or hindrance to the common good or
which you resolve to build and inhabite uppon have at the leaste one
Sir Hugh Wirrall, Knight [Wirral]
within anie of our other dominions to all intents and purposes as if
And that in all these foresaid cities or burroughs and
Richard Strough, iremonnger [Strongarm]
If it shall please God that you should dy either in your way or
Sir John Mallory, Knight
been before set down for the Ministers of the said former cities and
annum or more as hereafter there shall be cause. Robert Stratt
sentence, and yet, neverthelesse, our will and pleasure is that every
a self-governing people in the Western World came into existence. and augmenting their authority for the better directing and ordering of
uppon the nicenes and letter of the lawe, which perplexeth in this
space of one hundred like Englishe miles; and shall and may inhabit and
they have payed (over and above such subsedie and custome as the same
and singuler the said soiles, landes and groundes and all and singular
Thomas Watson, Esquier, and
preserve the state of bussinesse still in the same current that it
part of them shall have power and authority to elect him again or any
according to twentieth century practice. employed, you give him all such countenance, help and power in the
respects laid aside, they bend ther care and endeavors to assist the
all of us that have endeavorid therein may bee comforted in a happie
or your passages in small nombers; and in this sorte of warr there is
It was an
the same for theire better saufegarde according to theire beste
already actually possessed or inhabited by anie other Christian prince
As touchinge your landmen, we thinke fitt your Lordship should
Richard Knerisborough, gentleman [Keneridgburg]
northward twoe hundred miles, and from the said point of Cape Comfort
held for the space of one whole yeare next after the opening of the
land toward the maintenance of the several ministers of the parishes to
as by the said Companie, upon a commission of survey and distribucion
alwaies, or for the most part, residing about or neere the said
mature deliberacion doe hereby order & declare that from hence
The First Charter of Virginia, also known as the Charter of 1606, is a document from King James I of England to the Virginia Company assigning land rights to colonists for the stated purpose of propagating the Christian religion. In like
plantacion and doe further intende by the assistance of Almightie God to
and there is no poor little man or woman who is not willing to subscribe
William Carpenter
Arthure Venn, gentleman
a university at the said Henrico in time to come and that in the mean
of Spaine his dominions by him quietly possessed without the licence of
allowed, wherein oure will and pleasure is, that respect be had as well
must bringe all his releis [relief?] one Webbe who hath complained by peticion delivered unto you of
obedience, shall paie or agree to paie to the handes of the Tresorer of
and to their heires, successors and assignes for ever, to the sole and
persons as have already bin sent or are now or shall be hereafter
where you shall finde foure of the Englishe alive, left by Sir Walter
successors that it shalbe lawfull for the said Tresorer and Companie and
oure leiutenant in oure counties within oure realme of England have or
Britanie, Francie [et] Hibernie; and rounde about the other side: Pro
wee conceave it a matter of exceeding great advantage & incouragment
allegiance unto us, our heires and successors, as their immediate
misdemeanors whatsoever, other than those before mentioned, upon
The companie of cutlers
beneficiall manner for the said Tresorer and Companie and their
plantacion, all such and so manie of oure lovinge subjects, or anie
Sir William Cornewallis, Knight
the workes; Captaine Woode; and Mr. Fleetwoode, whom we assure ourselves
have your catle, provisions of corne, foode, and magazin of other
Introduction Virginia received three charters, one in 1606, another in 1609, and the third in 1612. Doctor Anthony
Sir Richard Lovelace, Knight
And wee doe also confirme and grannt to the said Tresorer and
Nicholas Andrewes [Andrews]
Sir William Berkeley (1606-1677), English royal governor of the colony of Virginia, was a leading protagonist in Bacon's Rebelli, Sir Edwin Sandys (1561-1629), a great figure in the British Parliament during the turbulent first quarter of the 17th century, was important in the E, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (17981799), Virginia College at Austin: Narrative Description, Virginia College at Birmingham: Distance Learning Programs, Virginia College at Birmingham: Narrative Description, Virginia College at Birmingham: Tabular Data, Virginia College at Huntsville: Narrative Description, Virginia College at Huntsville: Tabular Data, Virginia College at Jackson: Narrative Description, Virginia College at Jackson: Tabular Data, Virginia College-Technical: Narrative Description, Virginia Commonwealth University: Narrative Description, Virginia Commonwealth University: Tabular Data, Virginia Declaration of Rights and Constitution of 1776 (June 12 and 29, 1776), Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges, Virginia Highlands Community College: Narrative Description, Virginia Highlands Community College: Tabular Data, Virginia Intermont College: Narrative Description. inclined to the southe, and two of the best rivers will supply you;
others soe complained may houlde themselves fully satisfied and
but in a full, general and quarter court, the same having been first
northerly latitude from the aequinoctial line and the islands to the
Sir Richard Bingley, Knight
William Bennett, fishmonger [Bennet]
Peter Latham, gentleman
William Brewster
of England and carefullie avoidinge all factious and needlesse novelties
dispatching of all such casuall and particuler occurrences and
Griffith Hinton
Public Record Office in Londoncontemporary enrollments
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whether uppon all occasions and sudden attempts they shall repaire to
or restraint, to the contrary hereof had, made, ordained, or any other
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